Yes, we all love books here. In fact, you should probably be reading one instead of this website, but come on. You’re on the toilet or the subway right now. That’s no time for mind-expanding fiction.
Sometimes, you want to unwind with a few funny short jokes. Thankfully, that’s really all anyone is posting on Twitter these days (unless you count all the un-Democratic misinformation. There’s always room for that on social media.).
Not everyone is built to write the next great American novel. Some people like to fit their genius ideas into a tweet under 240 characters. That’s good for everyone. We don’t always have the attention span for a long, drawn-out essay about our first sexual experience or a reflection on the pervasive ennui that affects all novelists. None of these people have the attention span to write anything longer, I promise you.
Unless we’re counting a half-hour comedy spec script. Many of the people below have a ton of those. For now, let’s read the funny tweets that deserve a Pulitzer.
Here are the funniest tweets I had time to find this week:

library spent 10 minutes kicking out a guy for masturbating but they kept whisper-yelling so it was like AMSR Worldstar
— Jim McVeigh (@JimMcVeigh) May 10, 2022
I don’t know how you can believe in Jesus and still think abstinence prevents pregnancies
— Ginny Hogan_ (@ginnyhogan_) May 12, 2022
If Goofy shows up to your party and he's dressed like a normal man from the '90s or 2000s, you might be okay. If he's got his vest and his stupid green hat… buddy, you're already fucked
— Bob Cobb (@depechejoe) April 29, 2020
Thinking about how my sister’s college friend was nicknamed “Burgers” cause one time he talked about grilling burgers too enthusiastically. You have to be careful
— Erin Somers (@SomersErin) May 15, 2022
I texted a friend asking if he wanted to do something, and rather than giving an excuse, he simply wrote back "sorry, I'm not interested in doing that" and I think what we all need now is his therapist's phone number.
— Dan Wilbur (@DanWilbur) May 16, 2022
why’d they make him look like that one Ben Stiller character in Tropic Thunder
— paige (@BonerWizard) May 15, 2022
I have never seen someone juggle and thought “I hope this continues”
— Andrea More (@amore_orless) May 15, 2022
so so excited that my first bite of the season was from a woman mosquito!!!! sometimes it’s hard to see but things ARE getting better 🙂
— caroline doyle (@cd0yl3) May 15, 2022
My fiancé is listening to nonstop country music. I’d threaten to leave him but I’m afraid the heartbreak would just inspire more country music.
— Subhah (@Subhah) May 14, 2022
Left the back door open at my friend's house and her roomba escaped. Hope he goes on an adventure and cleans the whole world
— Carmen Lagala (@CarmenLagala) May 12, 2022
feeling sad today. can everyone please send cute pictures of their credit card, front and back?
— trash jones (@jzux) May 7, 2022
At my funeral, take the bouquet off my coffin and throw it into the crowd to see who is next.
— Margo Howard (@Margoandhow) May 12, 2022
We don’t need gun control. We just need to avoid churches, malls, supermarkets, mosques, concerts, synagogues, cinemas, parks, pre-schools, middle schools, high schools, college campuses, mass transportation, the outdoors in general… (1/513)
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 15, 2022
Some people say we should leave abortion rights up to states. I say, why stop there? Why not leave it up to counties, cities, neighborhoods, or—and this would really be fun—individual people?
— Nina Strohminger (@NinaStrohminger) May 12, 2022
i’ve started reading before bed instead of scrolling twitter and not only am i sleeping really well, but i also think i’m better than everyone
— Alex Murdoch (@alexgmurd) May 12, 2022
If Democrats can't stop Republican lawmakers from making it easy for Republican mass murderers to get their hands on assault weapons, then I have no choice but to vote Republican in 2022.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) May 16, 2022
The most dramatic moment in 21st Century literature
— Kate Hewson (@katejhewson) May 12, 2022
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Here Are Some Hilarious Fake Retitles For Famous Children’s Books (33 Pics)
Wow, There’s A Sentence I’ve Never Read Before (30 Pics)
Everybody’s A Critic – The Best Of The Worst Funny One-Star Reviews On Goodreads
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