We’ve had a fun year on Better Book Titles. Firstly, we got a whole new look for our website. Secondly, we stared at thousands of memes and plucked out any that were actually funny that had something to do with literature. Frankly, it was mind-numbing. But, it was all worth it if you enjoyed some of the posts. You enjoyed them, right? Please. Tell us you liked them! Anyway, we also flooded the internet with our own funny jokes and memes. Everything on our Instagram, Twitter, and homepage is an original funny title or a joke one of our contributors...
34 Hilariously Accurate Comics About Books
Reading is hard. Luckily, many stories can be told with pictures. That’s where funny comics and famous literature can meet. Who says picture books are just for kids? Cartoonists, historically, have very adult things on their minds, and they express these subjects in the form of comics. Sometimes, a cartoonist will even present famous pieces of literature (or their experiences reading them) in comic form. They’re easy to understand, funny, and make you feel something. It’s almost as if all of literature should follow suit. If you love books, you’ll probably love these comics about books. They’re short. They’re sweet....
25 Funny Pulitzer-Worthy Tweets From This Week
Yes, we all love books here. In fact, you should probably be reading one instead of this website, but come on. You’re on the toilet or the subway right now. That’s no time for mind-expanding fiction. Sometimes, you want to unwind with a few funny short jokes. Thankfully, that’s really all anyone is posting on Twitter these days (unless you count all the un-Democratic misinformation. There’s always room for that on social media.). Not everyone is built to write the next great American novel. Some people like to fit their genius ideas into a tweet under 240 characters. That’s good...
Here Are The Best Books People Read In 2021
Greetings, friends! It’s that time of year again. The time when we put an arbitrary end date on what “came out this year” and what was “good” and “spiritually fulfilling” and “didn’t make us throw up” and then tell the world “look at us! We’re cultured and smart!” Here are the best books of 2021, Better Book Titles edition! Luckily, instead of strictly sticking to what the publishers want us to talk about (i.e. only books that came out from January 1st-December 31st, 2021), I asked the Better Book Titles community what their favorite reads were this year and collected...
Here’s Why Everyone Should Hire A Copyeditor (26 Pics)
The English language is one of the toughest to learn if you’re not a native speaker. Also, it’s hard to learn if you grew up speaking it, I guess. Luckily, we don’t all have to feel bad about using a word incorrectly or having poor grammar skills because the internet proves there’s always someone dumber than we are. Bless you, pretentious bloggers and Reddit forum lurkers for finding these perfect posts. These funny spelling and grammar mistakes from the subreddit known as “Bone Apple Tea” will make you laugh and cry. Let’s enjoy some good old “I can’t believe an...
If You Were An English Major In College, Have I Got The Memes For You (32 Pics)
Studying a language in college you technically already know can be daunting. Sure, you’ve read in English your whole life, spoken it fluently, and even written a paper or two about your native tongue. But what about all those other books you should have read? Better go to college so you know everything about all of English literature. Oops! That’s impossible. That’ll be $150,000. You’re welcome. Yes, studying English in college can feel lonely, pointless, and neverending. Sure, you will be instilled with a lifelong thirst for good storytelling and critical analysis of old books, but you’ll still be deeply...
Sometimes The Dedication Page Is the Best Part Of The Book (44 Pics)
A few years back, I wrote a humor book and dedicated it to my parents. A heartfelt, sincere thank you to them for their support. But then, I saw what other people wrote on their dedication pages, and I’m afraid I missed my shot at greatness. Even people in academia have written funnier dedication pages than I did. Can you believe it? The nerds have outdone me again. Thankfully, though, I have these hilarious inscriptions from authors who took the time to write something good. Move over, Dave Eggers! There’s a new group of clever people writing acknowledgments. (Dave Eggers...