Tag: fake

What If History Textbooks Used Hilariously “Wrong” Photos? (33 Pics)

What If History Textbooks Used Hilariously “Wrong” Photos? (33 Pics)

Learning about history can be fun, but it’s funnier if the wrong photos are attached. Think of your favorite Ken Burns documentary. Now, substitute the real Civil War images with images from Captain America: Civil War. Well, that’s corny. Luckily, the funny people who contribute to Reddit’s r/fakehistoryporn are much darker than I am. If...

42 Hilariously Incorrect Movie Quotes

42 Hilariously Incorrect Movie Quotes

I love quoting movies. Sometimes, though I accidentally attribute one of my favorites to the wrong film. What can I say? My memory is bad. Below are a few of my all-time favorite moments in movies. Sadly, however, I screwed up which image is supposed to go with each caption. The results are terrifying. I...