25 Funny Pulitzer-Worthy Tweets From This Week

25 Funny Pulitzer-Worthy Tweets From This Week

Yes, we all love books here. In fact, you should probably be reading one instead of this website, but come on. You’re on the toilet or the subway right now. That’s no time for mind-expanding fiction. Sometimes, you want to unwind with a few funny short jokes. Thankfully, that’s really all anyone is posting on Twitter these days (unless you count all the un-Democratic misinformation. There’s always room for that on social media.). Not everyone is built to write the next great American novel. Some people like to fit their genius ideas into a tweet under 240 characters. That’s good...

Frankly, I’m Mad That Paperback Paradise Is The Funniest Book-Related Account On The Internet (29 Pics)

Frankly, I’m Mad That Paperback Paradise Is The Funniest Book-Related Account On The Internet (29 Pics)

Once upon a time, this website was known as the “funny bookish meme account” and people agreed it was rude, silly, and good enough to become a book in the real world. But, I got complacent. I forgot that there were other jokes to be made about literature. Namely, just how insane old pulp fiction covers were, and how a weird title on each could make you cackle. Enter Paperback Paradise, the funniest book-related Twitter and Instagram account on the internet. Frankly, I’m mad. At myself. Most of the posts on this website are things I wish I had thought...

men writing women funny posts from reddit

29 Times This “Men Writing Women” Group Roasted Male Authors

I’m once again calling for a total and complete shutdown of male authors writing about women until we figure out what the hell is going on. I kid, of course, but the prose people found in real published books are making me rethink many things. Frankly, I’m scared of being added to this list one day. We’ve all been in a weird mood and written a few “she breasted boobily down the stairs” lines in our work. Better, then, to write sometime after you’ve had sex than try to store up the tension and use it as fuel to write....

42 Hilariously Incorrect Movie Quotes

42 Hilariously Incorrect Movie Quotes

I love quoting movies. Sometimes, though I accidentally attribute one of my favorites to the wrong film. What can I say? My memory is bad. Below are a few of my all-time favorite moments in movies. Sadly, however, I screwed up which image is supposed to go with each caption. The results are terrifying. I hope you like it. These funny incorrect movie quotes were written by me and frequent contributor/emotional support animal Jake Currie. If you love great screenwriting, this will probably ruin some of your favorite scripts. You’ll never be able to unsee them. Here are the funniest...