I have a confession to make. When I’m not reading, I’m listening to music and thinking of dumb fake lyrics to songs.
Unfortunately, those lyrics are too cringeworthy to post here. Luckily, I made an Instagram account called @FakeMusicFact to scratch my musical comedy itch.
It’s perfect if you love music and looking to laugh to yourself. Or, if you’re more ambitious, you can send it to someone older in your family and confuse/anger them.
How many times have I told my dad that King Crimson started as a polka band, just so I could watch him search Google for 20 minutes and swear at me. It’s fun. I enjoy having fun.
If you like fun, you’ll enjoy these memes.
Here are the funniest Fake Music Facts:
1. Papa Roach

2. Simon and Garfunkel

3. The Longest Drum Solo

4. The Fresh Prince

5. A Piano Fact

6. The Temptations

7. Why Students Do Better

8. Spotify

9. Blues Traveler

10. Ghost

11. Steve Miller Band

12. Splish Splash

13. Parentheticals

14. The E Street Band

15. Bossa Nova

16. Bad Company

17. WAP

18. Twenty One Pilots

19. Trombone Fact

20. Steely Dan

21. Sexy Back

22. Chemical Release

23. Tracy Chapman Fact

24. Plants Fact

25. Pink Floyd

26. Manson Fact

27. Joni Mitchell

28. Jazz

29. Industrial Rock

30. Happy Birthday

31. Sublime

32. Every Good Boy

33. Enya

34. Elvis

35. American Pie

36. Conductors

37. C+C Music Factory

38. Alanis Morisette

39. Aerosmith

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